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"Oak Park, the most anticipated restaurant of the year, is now open"

After months of hype, Oak Park is finally open — and reservations are already booked out at Ingersoll's newest restaurant until next year.

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"Oak Park restaurant opened in Des Moines. Here's a first taste of the menu and what to expect."

On Tuesday, the restaurant glowed from its perch at the corner of 39th Street with tables filled with customers, each at a different stage in their meal.

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"Oak Park, the most anticipated new restaurant of the year, opens on Oct. 17 on Ingersoll"

Oak Park, built from the ground up at the corner of Ingersoll Avenue and 39th Street in Des Moines, is ready to open.

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"Details released about fine dining restaurant planned on Ingersoll"

A fine dining restaurant called Oak Park will be the anchor tenant of a redevelopment project in the 3900 block of Ingersoll Avenue in Des Moines, the project’s developer announced.

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"Sam Tuttle comes on board at Oak Park to create a 7,000-bottle wine list"

When Oak Park, the restaurant under construction at Ingersoll Avenue at 39th Street, opens this fall in Des Moines, wine will hold a special place in the hearts of the staff.

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"Des Moines' newest high-end restaurant is off and growing"

On the far end of the hustle, someone has figured it all out. “You can’t beat the chaos on Ingersoll, so might as well join it.” “Staffing, supply chains, all that fun stuff it certainly takes its...

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